Showing posts with label Wildhaven Ranch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wildhaven Ranch. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Wildhaven Ranch Farm Trip

After pushing this trip back a month due to lots of rains and flooding on the ranch, we were finally off and on our way.

We had all been looking forward to this particular farm outing and couldn't wait to get to our destination.  Located in St. Stephen, South Carolina, Wildhaven Ranch ethically & humanely raise KiBoer goats, Ossabaw/Duroc hogs, Katahdan Sheep, Angus beef, and Wildflower Honey.

Travelling south on a nice, mostly sunshiny day, we made it to our destination a little over an hour later when we pulled into a long and windy road leading to the house and where we would meet our hosts for the day, Karen and AJ Biddlecom.

What a great place! The first thing you notice is the chickens and a couple of turkeys just wandering around the yard, scratching in the grass and eating bugs.

After introductions were made all around, we were off to the goat pasture where there were some sleeping in the shade and others eating leaves off the trees. Karen invited us in to give the goats some treats, so the next thing you knew we were surrounded by the herd, all anxious for their turn.

Then we wandered over to another side of the yard where the pigs were in a wooded area, thoroughly enjoying themselves. Karen called them, and they all came running over, while the mama pig, aptly named Redneck Girl, enjoyed a quick splash in a mud hole.

Next thing I knew I was off on the golf cart with Karen to see the rest of her animals. We drove by some sheep, a few horses, a llama, bee hives and more.

It was a fun tour and then we were back where we were being treated to a lunch/brunch.

We ate out at a picnic table under the shade of a large tree and it included a nice Frittata, Zesty Italian Goat Sausage, some lemonade and a homemade pound cake topped with strawberries and raw milk whipped cream. It was all delicious, but I'll admit I'd never tasted such a great sausage. The blend of goat with beef and spices made it extremely unique and very tasty! So much so, we all bought some to bring home.

It was a fabulous day out and about learning all about another farm, and once again marveling at what they do every day. No confinement cage operation here, these animals are all raised ethically and humanely on pasture as they should be. They can splash in the mud, scratch in the grasses, and otherwise live a great life on Wildhaven Ranch. This is exactly what I love about our small local South Carolina family farms; they know how to do it right!

Wildhaven Ranch products may be purchased on the farm (please call ahead), or find them at the:

North Charleston Farmers Market
Sunday Brunch Farmers Market
Folly Beach Farmers Market

Visit their Facebook page: Wildhaven Ranch


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