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Friday, January 10, 2014

Grapefruit Salad with Whitefish in a Mustard Sauce

This recipe was developed by Beth Shuler, a young friend of mine and  former office mate, she was a Captain in the U.S. Air Force.  Shortly after she and her husband, Rob, had their bouncing baby boy, Beth left active-duty and is a busy mom these days! Even with a baby under the age of 1 year old, she was able to serve this wonderful dish to her family last night.  I can't tell you enough how utterly fresh and yummy this is. When she posted it I just knew I had to share it, so she and I messaged each other and this is the result.  There are no exact measurements ... you'll just have to play with it to make it how you like it.

Salad: lettuce mix if your choice quarter grapefruit (skins removed) yellow raisins (craisins would work well too) macadamia nuts (cut in halves) dressing: red vinegar, olive oil, honey, salt, pepper, garlic powder
Toss lettuce, grapefuit, raisins, macadamia nuts together. Mix dressing ingredients together and toss salad mixture with dressing.
White Fish: Ingredients white fish heavy cream or creme fraiche (I used heavy cream) mustard (I used brown spicy mustard) fresh chopped cilantro salt/pepper/garlic powder directly in fish
Method: Preheat oven to 425. Mix all ingredients, except white fish together in a baking pan; add white fish and marinade 30 minutes or more if you have time. Bake white fish in marinade 10 minutes or until cooked through and flaky. 

Beth's note - I think the dressing and salad would have also benefited from a mustard component as well since the mustard in the fish was so yummy with the salad.
